Overcoming obstacles with Optimism

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”

Leo F. Buscaglia quotes (American guru, tireless advocate of the power of love, 1924-1998)

February 14th is the day we celebrate Valentine’s Day. This is one day each year devoted to showing admiration to the special one we love.  Do not forget the power of love.  Be certain to celebrate and honor those you care for the other 364 days, also.

Comments on: "Weekly Serving of Optimism: Quotes and Thoughts (Valentine’s Day)" (6)

  1. What a wonderful reminder: “Do not forget the power of love. Be certain to celebrate and honor those you care for the other 364 days, also.”

    I can only add one thought to this summary. Be certain to celebrate and honor those WHO CARE FOR YOU (sorry about the caps and shouting. I couldn’t find the bold key to emphasize the suggestion of remembering those who love you, but also those who minister to your physical and spiritual needs, be they family, friends, clergy, or medical personnel. How often do we show our appreciation for their care, their kindnesses, thoughtfulness and their love.

    • Never take the love of a caregiver for granted. After a while, we do not show enough love where it is deserved. Too often we allow these people to be taken for granted. I am glad that you used all caps (shouted). It is a message we all should hear.


  2. I love this post, Tara!
    Btw, I’m adding you to my blogroll. I hope you don’t mind 🙂

  3. Lovely words aren’t they. Again it re states the “small acts of kindness”. Simple for most of us, yet so powerful to the recipient.

    Sometimes just a pause to listen is all that is needed. I wrote of my chance meeting at the grocery and the impression I held long after.

    Thanks Tara for the sweet reminder.


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